Donaldson Class

Donaldson Class


Donaldson Class will be learning about ‘Transport’ this half term.


We are looking forward to finding out about transport used all over the world and how transport has changed from the past. We hope to invent some of our own futuristic transport too!

We can't wait for Christmas and will be incorporating this into our topic as the weeks progress.


We will continue to join with Yr1/2 for PE and need to be wearing our PE kits on Mondays and Tuesdays - don't forget to wear shorts and t-shirt under your hoodies and joggers.


We are excited to send home reading books and phonics cards with all of our Reception children. Please keep reading with your child and playing with the phonic cards to make and read new words as the amount of letters we have learnt increases.

If you have any questions please see Mrs Waterson and Miss Fowler 

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