Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Holy Cross CofE Primary School.
At Holy Cross Church of England Primary School, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed in school.
We work as a team to ensure that all pupils have the environment they need to achieve. Every member of staff is responsible for SEND provision in our school, the teachers, TAs, lunchtime supervisors and office staff all play a part in providing learners with SEND quality first teaching and inclusion, liaising with the SENCo and parents to form a team around the child.
We aim to provide relevant training to staff to support the children in our care. We work closely with outside agencies to support the children in our setting.
If you have concerns about your child in relation to special education needs, you should share these concerns with the Class Teacher in the first instance. The class teacher will then discuss these concerns with the SENDCo and the Headteacher as part of pupil progress meetings. Our SENDCo is Mrs Waterson.
All teachers engage in the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle half termly, and meet regularly with the SENDCo to discuss this and then with parents, where provision is shared.
Further information regarding to SEND can be found in our SEND Information Report.
Holy Cross CofE Primary School
Tel: 01553 810394
This school is part of the
Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust
School Address:
Holy Cross CofE Primary School
School Road,
Runcton Holme,
King's Lynn
PE33 0EL
DEMAT Office Address:
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