Shakespeare Class

Shakespeare Class

Year 5 & 6

Welcome to Shakespeare Class

The children, following their learning about different authors during the transition days, chose our class name. We are looking forward to learning more about him and his books as we move through the school year.


We are a vibrant and exciting Year Five and Six class primarily taught by Mrs Moore and we are supported in our learning and personal development by Miss Jupe.


In Shakespeare Class, we are becoming confident using a wide range of skills across the curriculum and are constantly extending our application of these. We enjoy our topic learning, and are looking forward to an exciting range of topics again this year. In History we begin with the French Revolution, where we will learn about The Storming of the Bastille and Napoleon Bonaparte. Later in the year, we will learn about the rise of Hitler, and how this in time resulted in the beginning of World War One. Geography will take us on a journey across the world as we learn about the work of cartographers. We will continue to develop our spatial sense and map skills before jetting off to North then South America and then Africa later in the year.


We use ICT to support and extend our learning, as we continue to be responsible, independent learners. We are developing our confidence in expressing ourselves and our ideas in many different ways. Our Computing curriculum is taught by Miss Thorne on a Friday.


During the Autumn Term, PE will be on a Monday afternoon, and Swimming is on a Friday morning, so please remember your PE and swimming kits those days.


Thank you for reading, and hope you are as excited as we are for the fantastic year ahead!  

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